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Overcoming user inertia to a change through education. There are 16 different forms of inertia and many can be overcome directly with education. Don't underestimate this.

This is different from simply explaining the benefits of your product through marketing.[1] You want to change their view of the world (or at least this small part of the world) so that they will change their behavior, and therefore become (or remain) a customer for your category of product.

Marketers may call this “category building”.

Key Elements



If you are doing something better than your competition, and you want to educate your potential customers about it, then it is just Brand and marketing. But sometimes, it is not about doing something better, but about doing something that has moral high grounds (f.e. waste segregation). If you are a recycling company, you do not have to advertise your services. You can grow your market just by explaining how important it is to our planet that people segregate waste.

The business model of Sofort relied on the company pretending to be you, and using your bank account credentials to initiate transfers. Bank suffered a profit loss because their products were used less. So they started a public campaign educating users about the risk associated with sharing your bank account credentials. A campaign ‘for public good’ had, however, an invisible, primary goal - cutting out Sofort like businesses.[1]

Counter Plays

See Also

Gameplay Patterns