Climatic patterns

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Wardly Climatic Patterns.png

Climatic patterns are rules of the game. These patterns apply across contexts, regardless of user choice.



Everything evolves through supply and demand competition

No single method fits all

Rates of evolution can vary by ecosystem

Components can co-evolve

Characteristics change as component evolve

Evolution consists of multiple waves

No choice over evolution

Red Queen

Commoditisation <> Centralization


Higher order systems create new sources of value

Future value is inversely proportional to the certainty we have over it

Efficiency does not mean a reduced spend

Jevon's Paradox

Evolution to higher order systems results in increasing local order and energy consumption

Capital flows to new areas of value

Creative Destruction

Joseph Schumpeter


Efficiency enables innovation

Shifts from product to utility tend to demonstrate a punctuated equilibrium

Evolution of communication mechanisms can increase the speed of evolution overall and the diffusion of a single example

Increased stability of lower order systems increases agility & speed of re-combination

Change is not always linear

Discontinuous and exponential change exists


Success breeds inertia

Inertia can kill an organization

Inertia increases the more successful the pas model is


Competitors actions will change the game

Most competitors have poor situational awareness


Not everything is random

In some situations, you can predict the probability of what will happen, but not when. In other situations you can reliably predict when something will happen, but not exactly what.

You cannot measure evolution over time or adoption, you need to embrace uncertainty

Economy has cycles

Peace, war, and wonder

The less evolved something is, then the more uncertain it becomes

Two different forms of disruption

Predictable verus non-predictable

"War" (point of industrialization) causes organizations to evolve


Example internal link